
Sonrisas Secretas

ruego por una dósis de carcajada;

como en enero, cuando te fui a buscar 
sin ropa toda enroscada...

Un amor finito, 
pierdo el manoseo, 
el arranque 
y cito la desigualdad.

No puedo negarlo; 
¡Me asustò el tráfico de sentimientos! 
Siempre supiste, nunca dudaste: 
que lo positivo de tus cadenas 
estaba en mis caderas, 
en contraste con tus alas... 
te amo, me envenenaste la pasión.

No hay rencores ni paciencia.. 
esconderè mi vida por pecho 
de personas tales que no la entiendan.



In the case you ever care... The best for Maga itself now is you to get the fuck away of her. Enough of your hard stimulation, don't want you to touch me again. You fucked her, ugly huge bubbs, I see... now I get it fine, it looks like I used to be the only pathetic one who has forgotten how these make you're penis enter in the process of becomeing erect. It was your selfish choice to bring me to this cold and dirty place, where lies easy run... You know exactly.. I was watching directly to your eyes when you were swearing.. makeing the best you could, working really hard... just to fail me; fakeing all the time... and still makeing me love fine.
 Congratulations! That is just the idea I had of The One... now I feel by myself. Nothing's gonna be fine ever between us, you exceed the concept of shit.. disgusting taste all the time, I notice late, when I look at my back: lot of scars... Why it has to be you, you lier, you, the one who wash me in lies? damn, fuck you and all we went through! Now tell me, main of my nightmares, can you stand another night with the same hungry? Coz I tried but pain wasn't good enough, burning me bad... I can't stand it anymore. No one of those easy toys would ever lie just one simple orgasm like the once I did, that's why I happy leave.